I believe the ListGrid::getFocusRow() call erroneously tries to map current focused row (even if there is none, i.e. newly loaded data) to an int which causes a JSNI exception:
com.google.gwt.dev.shell.HostedModeException: Something other than an int was returned from JSNI method '@com.smartgwt.client.widgets.grid.ListGrid::getFocusRow()': JS value of type null, expected int
So I guess either getFocusRow() should return a boxed/nullable Integer instead or it should return -1. There also doesn't seem to be a hasFocusRow to work around this issue.
com.google.gwt.dev.shell.HostedModeException: Something other than an int was returned from JSNI method '@com.smartgwt.client.widgets.grid.ListGrid::getFocusRow()': JS value of type null, expected int
So I guess either getFocusRow() should return a boxed/nullable Integer instead or it should return -1. There also doesn't seem to be a hasFocusRow to work around this issue.