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    Wrong path to smartGWT skins source on compile

    Hi everyone,
    I'm compiling my GWT project to use it in Tomcat. For that, in IntlliJ I created folder gwt in folder web to store compiled data. After that I put all data from this folder to Tomacat. All things work fine except UI elementes that shown without skins.

    FireBug shows that request is commind to wrong path:

    Requested: http://host:port/RFO/sc/...

    But actual location is: http//host:port/gwt/RFO/sc/....

    Can someone help to fix that? What I missed ?

    Which version of Smart GWT are you using? Have you set the isomorphicDir variable in your host html file? With Smart GWT 2.2 you don't need to set isomorphicDir only if you use the standard GWT directory layout. If you modify it then you'll need to set isomorphicDir appropriately.

