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    Multiple links in a single grid's cell

    In my project I have to present data in a single cell (in grid) as links, separated by comas.

    One of the solutions is to make it in this way:
    - declare in data source required fields:

    - add a cell formatter, where I get values from record mentioned above and prepare displayed value:
    <a href="javascript:void" target="javascript" onClick="">Employee1</a>, <a href="javascript:void" target="javascript" onClick="">Employee2</a>...

    Now I have values displayed in a correct form, but I have no idea how to handle click events on each entry (link). I would like to get id referenced to clicked link.
    Is it possible to achieve multiple links in one cell? Using option data source I can make a single link without any problems

    You can still handle them normally by calling your method from the onClick action in the <a>. See

