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    SC.askforValue close button not aligning right

    I am calling the SC.askforValue convenience method and the string I am giving it is longer than the window which causes the window to expand to fit the text, rather than wrapping the text to fit inside the window. When the window expands the cross or closing button in the top right does not move which results in the close button not being where it's supposed to be. This can be seen in the screenshot attached. *Note* I blacked out the text myself after taking the screenshot. The important part is the position of the close button at the top. Is this caused by my CSS or is this how it is supposed to work? I can not see anything in my CSS that would cause this. Is there any way that I can fix this? I can put <br />'s in my text, but I'd rather have it wrap automatically.

    Thanks in advance for the help
    Attached Files

    The dialog is just a DynamicForm with a blurbitem and textitem for input. Through JSNI you could set it to wrap. There is a global variable isc.Dialog.Ask which is the dialog itself and isc.Dialog.Ask.askForm gives you access to the form and from there just need to getField("message").setAttribute("wrap", true); Though note that askForValue() will create the dialog, so you need to have called it once already otherwise everything will be null, the other way is through JSNI to simply modify the function askForValue(), copy and paste the original code and just add the line askForm.getField("message").setAttribute("wrap", true);


      Using SmartClient version 7.5.2 in different browsers:

      isc.Dialog.Ask.header.setWidth(180); or the amount that you need. You can test it in the JS console.


        or it maybe without isc

