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    SmartGWT EE 2.3 has been released

    SmartGWT EE 2.3 has been released

    Note: We skipped version 2.2 since this release differs substantially from 2.2 LGPL. There is no 2.2 SmartGWT EE. If you were waiting to upgrade to 2.2, use 2.3 (this release).

    Release Notes for v2.3
    In addition to new client-side features described here this release includes several new server features. Features are available with Pro, Power, or Enterprise Edition unless otherwise specified.
    • Automatic transactions for SQL & Hibernate (Requires Power Edition or Enterprise Edition)
      Batches of updates, such as a multi-row drag or mass editing of grid rows, are now automatically grouped into a transaction when using either the SQL or Hibernate connectors. APIs have been added to be notified of transaction success or failure, manually initiate transactions and include or exclude specific requests.
    • True Excel (.xls) export
      Goes beyond CSV (comma-separated-values) export by including hilites, and delivering dates and numbers with type information so Excel can sort and filter properly. See
      for more details.
    • Client-driven export
      An alternative mode for exporting, this export preserves all client-side formatting. LGPL users note: upgrading to Pro gets you this export mode without having to rework any of your databinding code.
      See DataBoundComponent.exportClientData() for more details.
    • New ultralight ‘Simplicity’ skin
      The new “Simplicity” skin takes advantage of early CSS3 support in modern browsers like Firefox, Safari and Chrome to deliver look and feel similar to our classic skins (rounded elements, gradients, and other touches) while remaining almost image free. Appearance degrades gracefully in Internet Explorer to a more square / solid color appearance.
    • (Preliminary) Touch & Mobile support
      Support for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices and partial support for Android devices. No code changes required, and the full range of interactions is supported, including drag and drop and flick scrolling with momentum. SmartClient on mobile is a strong choice for long-session mobile & touch applications (like iWork for the iPad) and especially for offline mobile applications.
    • JPA DataSource
      Similar to the built-in SQL and Hibernate connectors, a connector has been added for JPA-based persistence. Runnable sample project included. Does not yet have a DataSource Wizard but support is planned. Supports simple Criteria for now. Support for Advanced Criteria will be available for Power edition in the future.
    • Google App Engine support & GAE/JPA DataSource
      A runnable sample project deployable to Google App Engine, demonstrating persistence to Google App Engine datastores via the JPA API, with no server code required.
    • Annotation-based configuration in Hibernate
      Support for Hibernate configuration via annotations rather than explicit mapping files, and support for looking up Hibernate configuration via Spring. Supported both the DataSource Wizard and via declarations in .ds.xml files. See for more details.
    • Deeper SQL customization
      Customize the SQL used for select, insert and update for an individual field while retaining full support for automatic query generation, efficient data paging, multi-level sort and all other features of the SQLDataSource. See
      DataSourceField.customUpdateExpression, and
    • RESTConnector
      A new built-in servlet exposes all of the operations defined in your .ds.xml files for access via REST - the same protocol as defined for the RestDataSource. This allows other client technologies and automated systems to re-use the same services you provide for your SmartClient front-end.
    • New Validation samples
      Demonstrate using the new isUnique and hasRelatedRecords validators, as well as using validateOnExit to dynamically contact the server during data entry so that server-based validation logic can be run.
    • New Upload sample
      Demonstrates SQL-based storage and display of uploaded files, with no server code required. See
      "Java Data Integration -> SQL -> File Upload" in the Showcase

    You guys rock! Can't wait to receive my pckg! Native iOS programming is a hard thing to do (ever tried async programming with manual memory management?), doing this with Java and S'GWT will be just Fun!! Great Day!


    * GWT Rocks! * SmartGWT Rocks Even Harder! * GWT 2.0.3,
    SmartGWT PRO 2.1/2.2 NB 2010-07-13, JRE 1.6.0_20, Eclipse 3.6 *

    *** ***


      I guess the Power version is available, too, right?
      (I am still waiting for my link...)


        Originally posted by csillag
        I guess the Power version is available, too, right?
        (I am still waiting for my link...)
        This is now solved.



          I'm looking for SmartGWT 2.3 LGPL Version. Please let me know when are you planning for this.



            A QuickStart Guide for SmartGWT Pro/EE is now available. Read the blog post about it here.

            Even if you are familiar with the features of EE, the new QuickStart is worth reading. Even internal Isomorphic Developers learned new things during the review process!


              What about 2.3 LGPL, release still pending?
              Did you have a plan for releasing it?


                Originally posted by vitaly
                What about 2.3 LGPL, release still pending?
                Did you have a plan for releasing it?
                I have exactly the same question, afraid it will be similar way of GWT-ext...


                  I ask the same question ..What about SmartGWT 2.3 LGPL?

                  Thanks Isomorphic.

