I have an issue where I display a CheckboxItem contained in a DynamicForm and it works find returning true and false when checked and unchecked. Then I create another DynamicForm with a new CheckboxItem and the new CheckboxItem works properly returning true and false when checked and unchecked.
Now when I switch back to the first DynamicForm the CheckboxItem returns a value of 'false' when the box is checked and unchecked.
Any ideas?
includeMvwap.addChangedHandler(new ChangedHandler() { public void onChanged(ChangedEvent event) { GWT.log("includeMvwap:" + event.getSource()); GWT.log("includeMvwap value:" + includeMvwap.getValue()); if(includeMvwap.getValue() == null || !Boolean.parseBoolean(includeMvwap.getValue().toString())) { isMVWAPSelected = false; GWT.log("includeMvwap: FALSE", null); colorKeyPanel.removeKey("Moving Average"); refreshChartPanel(); } else { isMVWAPSelected = true; GWT.log("includeMvwap: TRUE"); colorKeyPanel.addKey("Moving Average", "FF9900"); refreshChartPanel(); } } });
Any ideas?