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    DateChooser widget-Detect a click on the month

    I'm using the the DateChooser class for specifying a date or date range for some reports.

    My code is successfully catching the selection of a single date which is great. However, is there a way that I can catch the click event that is used to select the month on the DateChooser? The current behaviour shows a menu of all the months in the year to select from - I would like to catch this event and identify if the user selected a month from this control.

    I would like to use this click event to identify an entire month for the report date range.

    Can anyone help?

    There isn't a mechanism currently to do that. You could watch for a date change but of course not a guarantee it was due to the month menu instead of the month next,prev buttons. The only other way is with JSNI to intercept the showMonth() call which that menu calls when a month is selected.

    BTW: typo in the setMonthMenuStyle() and getMonthMenuStyle() javadocs, it says year menu.


      Thanks for your help

