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    Can I use datasouce for adding sections for a SectionStatck

    Dear all,
    I used SectionStack as given below.
    ID: "sectionStack",
    visibilityMode: "single",
    width: 300, height: "100%",
    sections: [
    {title: "Store", expanded: true, items: [boundTree]}

    and boundTree is TreeGrid component which is working fine. But what I actually need is to create more sections and a treegrid inside each section. The number and title of these sections have to be taken from a java class. The content of the treeGrid is also coming from database. If use the above code for a single section(hardcoded title and treegrid id) it is working fine. But can I use something like datasource used for treegrid with which I can get the sections dynamically.

    SectionStack is not a databoundcomponent, and it sounds like what your looking at is that each tree is a different datasource anyway. You could have a standalone datasource to help that maybe contains the needed ids and names which can help generate the sections and get the tree id.


      thank u for the response... but I can know the title of each section from java method only (from database). Is there any other component similar to sectionstack which can be used instead.
      Last edited by achamma.joseph; 5 Aug 2010, 23:01.


        So how are you calling this Java method? If you look in the Javadocs at the DataBoundComponent you can see what widgets inherit from it. I am not sure I fully understand your situation so part of the issue, but again you can create a standalone datasource which gets it data from that Java method, but you can't link a datasource with SectionStack directly.

