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    Yet another selectitem issue

    Hi there! I'm sorry about the message flood, but I really do not want to give up on smartgwt.

    I have a post

    Where I describe a problem with selectitem bounded by a datasource, where setting its value would make the value to be displayed instead of the displayfield.

    All the selectitems are nested inside a section. Before even setting their values (just presenting the picklist provided by the datasource) when the section is collapsed and expanded it seems that it also sets the selectitem value, and when it happens the displayed value change to the value selected.

    This can be easily reproduced, I wonder if this is a bug of the component, or its our datasource implementation, or calling setValue() is not the right way to set a selectitem selected record.

    Please could anyone advice on this?

    Your DataSource is broken. fetchMissingValues, automatically on by default, will cause the SelectItem to use the optionDataSource to retrieve the display value for a value provided via setValue(). Your DataSource is most likely not responding correctly.

    By using the Pro or better product, you can avoid all these issues since Pro already correctly implements all CRUD operations.


      Any plan to resolve this in LGPL?

