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    Cookies and ListGrid Preferences

    Hi all,

    I would like my app to save user ListGrid Preferences (viewState) client-side.

    As my first idea, I would perform this by putting the getViewState() into a cookie. But, I did not know that all requests are sending with cookies in the HTTP header... That causes a error 413, Request Entity Too Large.

    So did you have some idea to solve this?
    Any String compression/decompression to reduce cookie content and http header? Save preferences client-side in another way? Save preferences on server?

    Thank you for your ideas and helps.


    So your trying to reinvent what already exists?


      I saw this showcase sample...
      But I did not well explained my wishes:
      My users open their navigator, they use the grid and they save the view state. And they go home.

      Next morning, they come back to work, they open the navigator and they go to the app, the grid is formated as their own wish.

      My first idea were to save on client-side in a persistent thing... like cookies.

      Now we store in the database, one entry by user because of the error HTTP 413...

