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    button new to field in dynamic form

    Have a dynamic form where fields are in a single column. I would like to add a button next to one of the fields. How can I do this without changing the formatting to two columns of fields wide?

    I tried to set the number of columns to 4 but that changed my layout to 2 columns of fields.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you.

    You can set to 2 columns, just use setStartRow(true) on each field, this will keep the single column look expect for the button row. Remember ButtonItem by default will setStartRow(true) and setEndRow(true), so you'll need to setStartRow(false) on the ButtonItem so it is in the same row as another item.


      Hi svjard-

      I would like to incorporate this button in a form where most of the fields are created automatically by the xml.ds datasource. Is there an easy way to specify where a button is placed while using the xml.ds to generate the the otherfields?


        Well your probably going be better off binding the datasource to the form, but create the form explicitly to get the correct look and feel. Similiar to

