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    valueField and displayField in SelectItem

    I have a selectItem with valueField, displayField and optionDataSource definied. Because of lags in connection with server side, I observed that selectItem is shown first with value from valueField and after the fetch on optionDataSource is completed, the value from displayField is used. Sometimes user has to wait a few seconds and is confused.

    I found a FormItemValueFormatter object, which I can attach to my selectItem. But the signature of method
    String formatValue(Object value,
                       Record record,
                       DynamicForm form,
                       FormItem item)
    is in my opinion insufficient.
    In this method, first I've got a value from valueField and, in second invocation, from displayField, which suits to the workflow described above. The thing is, I am not able to determine the value in formatValue method come from valueField or displayField.

    Can You provide any solution?

    What would you do in your formatter? The display value is still being fetched, so were you planning to just override and display blank?


      I have to interchangeably determine the value in formatter comes from valueField or displayField.

      In case the value comes from valueField (displayField has not loaded yet) I would like to return a "loading..." message. After the fetch on optionDataSource is completed I return value from displayField.


        You can use getSelectedRecord() != null to determine if the record containing the displayValue is available yet.


          Ok, this is exactly what I mean. Thank You!

