This is with Smartgwtpro 2.3
Firefox 3.6.8 and Chrome 5.0.375.127
I am feeding a listgrid with a date object, and then telling the listgrid to sort by date. It successfully sorts by date, but always sorts it ascending, even though the little arrow indicates descending order.
If you click the header and resort descending it sorts the correct way. I have also tried to just call a sort which also didn't work.
Am I making a mistake somewhere, or is there a bug?
The request
the DS file
Firefox 3.6.8 and Chrome 5.0.375.127
I am feeding a listgrid with a date object, and then telling the listgrid to sort by date. It successfully sorts by date, but always sorts it ascending, even though the little arrow indicates descending order.
If you click the header and resort descending it sorts the correct way. I have also tried to just call a sort which also didn't work.
Am I making a mistake somewhere, or is there a bug?
notificationGrid = new ListGrid(); notificationGrid.setAutoFetchData(false); notificationDS = DataSource.get("notification"); notificationGrid.setDataSource(notificationDS); notificationGrid.setSortField("modification_date"); notificationGrid.setSortDirection(SortDirection.DESCENDING); notificationGrid.fetchData();
{ "actionURL":"", "showPrompt":true, "prompt":"Finding Records that match your criteria...", "transport":"xmlHttpRequest", "promptStyle":"dialog", "bypassCache":true, "data":{ "criteria":{ }, "operationConfig":{ "dataSource":"notification", "repo":null, "operationType":"fetch", "textMatchStyle":"exact" }, "startRow":0, "endRow":75, "sortBy":[ "modification_date" ], "componentId":"isc_ListGrid_0", "appID":"builtinApplication", "operation":"notification_fetch", "oldValues":{ } } }
[ { endRow:4, totalRows:4, isDSResponse:true, invalidateCache:false, status:0, startRow:0, data:[ { modification_date:new Date(1270443600000), description:"Zasdf", notification_id:7 }, { modification_date:new Date(1273035600000), description:"Appointment confirmed", notification_id:4 }, { modification_date:new Date(1273035600000), description:"Appointment confirmed", notification_id:8 }, { modification_date:new Date(1275714000000), description:"Appointment confirmed with John smith", notification_id:6 } ] } ]
<DataSource ID="notification" serverType="sql" tableName="notification"> <fields> <field name="notification_id" type="sequence" hidden="true" sequenceName="notification_notification_id_seq" primaryKey="true" /> <field name="modification_date" title="Date" type="date" /> <field name="description" type="text" /> </fields> </DataSource>