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    SmartGWT Showcase


    for people like me just deciding on a RIA framework where 3 players are in the battle, it would be nice if showcases would really work. In your showcase the view Source is broken and some icons are missing. This looks somehow unpolished....

    thanks for your attention.


    Blanket statements that something doesn't work is extremely unhelpful. If you read the forums you will note many questions about how the showcase works so it obviously works for others. If you have a question about setup or deployment you might ask that. Otherwise, please state which showcase you are using (online vs a local copy) and what exactly you are experiencing.



      just a short reply:

      @davidj6: The problem is, that in the moment the links to the source code pages are broken, you get a 404 error when trying to open any example, but this seems to be a server problem, as yesterday it still worked.



        The 'View Source' of the Smart GWT LGPL Showcase appears to have broken very recently from an autodeploy of the mainline showcase. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. It will be fixed shortly but in the meanwhile you can run the showcase from the official Smart GWT 2.2 distribution or check out the showcase of the previous version.

        The View Source of the SmartGWT EE showcase does work fine.

        Regarding missing icons, please let us know the specific instances where they are missing and we'll fix them.


          FWIW, "View Source" in the LGPL Showcase has been fixed, and the SmartGWT 2.2 showcase is now available here.

          The "View Source" issue was related to build customizations made specifically for deployment. All publicly available builds (including nightlies) are unaffected.

