Hi Iso,
I have a native JS component which I modified to use touch events rather than mouse motion events on iOS. This component as such works on the iPad. However I need to embed it into an S'GWT application as an HTMLPane. In this case it seems the touch events are not propagated at all. Can u help?
* GWT Rocks! * SmartGWT Rocks Even Harder! * GWT 2.0.3,
SmartGWT PRO 2.3, JRE 1.6.0_20, Eclipse 3.6 *
* Xcode 3.2.2 * iOS 3.0 (Base OS) *
I have a native JS component which I modified to use touch events rather than mouse motion events on iOS. This component as such works on the iPad. However I need to embed it into an S'GWT application as an HTMLPane. In this case it seems the touch events are not propagated at all. Can u help?
* GWT Rocks! * SmartGWT Rocks Even Harder! * GWT 2.0.3,
SmartGWT PRO 2.3, JRE 1.6.0_20, Eclipse 3.6 *
* Xcode 3.2.2 * iOS 3.0 (Base OS) *