If I use a slightly modified showcase example (Forms.DataType Reuse) and show two textboxes instead of one with the zip-Code, the above warning is displayed.
This happens not only if you do 'zipCodeField.setType(new ZipCodeUSType())' twice, but also if you use a variable and use that variable twice. Ex. 'zipCodeField.setType(myZipCodeUSType)'.
The only way IMHO to avoid this kind of warning, is to use instantiate new SimpleType-Subclasses with different names, which is somehow against the reuse pattern.
Are there better ways on defining new datatypes on datasources, or is this just a bug?
This happens not only if you do 'zipCodeField.setType(new ZipCodeUSType())' twice, but also if you use a variable and use that variable twice. Ex. 'zipCodeField.setType(myZipCodeUSType)'.
The only way IMHO to avoid this kind of warning, is to use instantiate new SimpleType-Subclasses with different names, which is somehow against the reuse pattern.
Are there better ways on defining new datatypes on datasources, or is this just a bug?
public void onModuleLoad() { DataSource dataSource = new DataSource(); ZipCodeUSType zipCodeUSType = new ZipCodeUSType(); DataSourceField zipCodeField = new DataSourceField(); zipCodeField.setName("zipCode"); zipCodeField.setTitle("Zip Code"); //zipCodeField.setType(new ZipCodeCustomType("nameType1")); zipCodeField.setType(zipCodeUSType); DataSourceField zipCodeField2 = new DataSourceField(); zipCodeField2.setName("zipCode2"); zipCodeField2.setTitle("Zip Code2"); //zipCodeField.setType(new ZipCodeCustomType("nameType2")); zipCodeField2.setType(zipCodeUSType); dataSource.setFields(zipCodeField, zipCodeField2); final DynamicForm boundForm = new DynamicForm(); boundForm.setWidth(300); boundForm.setDataSource(dataSource); IButton button = new IButton("Validate"); button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { boundForm.validate(); } }); VLayout layout = new VLayout(10); layout.setMembers(boundForm, button); layout.draw(); } public static class ZipCodeUSType extends SimpleType { public ZipCodeUSType() { super("zipCodeUS", FieldType.TEXT); RegExpValidator validator = new RegExpValidator("^\\d{5}(-\\d{4})?$"); setValidators(validator); } } public static class ZipCodeCustomType extends SimpleType { public ZipCodeCustomType(String name) { super(name, FieldType.TEXT); RegExpValidator validator = new RegExpValidator("^\\d{5}(-\\d{4})?$"); setValidators(validator); } }