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    Platforms for embedded server


    as I am currently evaluating the Enterprise Edition of SmartGWT, I was wondering which OS platforms are supported. If only Windows is supported, do you plan to increase the coverage? If yes, when?
    If something of that is not intended public knowledge or part of an internal roadmap, please drop me an email, because platform coverage is somehow a key for my investigation.

    I searched the Quick Start Guide, the FAQ, the Forum and the web page. Unfortunately without success.

    Thank you!

    Any platform that can run a J2SE servlet container is supported, which is a huge variety of platforms.


      As I understand correctly, the S'GWT EE server consists of the servlets I configured in my web.xml.
      So, when it comes to deployment, I can deploy the SmartGWTEE servlets to the same application server as my developped S'GWT application, right?

      Or did I oversee any requirements or limitations regarding the deployment of SmartGWTEE?


        Your web application, typically deployed a .war file, will comprise of the Smart GWT EE server side classes including servlets and other support classes as well as the html and js files that are produced when your GWT application is compiled. So yes, they both get deployed on the same application server.

        You can run "ant war" on any of the samples provided in the Smart GWT EE distribution to build the .war file and open it using a zip unarchiver utility to examine the structure of the war file.


          Thank you for the explanation!

