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    Yes, but it's a problem that log4j *have to* be on the classpath. For example: Hibernate uses classpath to determine its logging. If it finds log4j before slf4j, it will use log4j.


      We haven't verified whether you are correct about this, but assuming you are, have you filed a bug with Hibernate? Because our requirement of having a very common .jar on the classpath is a pretty common thing - a lot of frameworks have requirements like this. On the other hand, the inability to configure the logging system in any other way except by leaving all other logging systems off the classpath is a real nuisance.

      To "correct" our issue, we would have to create a complete facade for a bunch of log4j-specific APIs that we are using, because these APIs are not present in any abstract logging framework. This would be a complete wasted effort, attempted solely as a workaround for a configuration switch that is clearly needed in Hibernate (again, assuming you are correct).


        It's not uncommon to have external dependencies, but having an explicit dependency on a specific logging framework is pretty uncommon IMO, for these kinds of reasons.


          At the moment, given that we already support using whatever logging framework you want, we have no plans to build a facade over big sections of the log4j API just as a workaround for this claimed Hibernate bug. That would be a terrible waste of time given what else we could be fixing or adding.

          So once again we would recommend filing a bug with Hibernate.


            Not saying you should, just having a conversation. I don't think Hibernate sees it as a bug, since you can force the framework if you want with a '-D'-parameter. Pretty bad implementation though, IMO.


              For completeness, since apparently Hibernate can be configured to use other logging frameworks, and the presence of log4j just affects the default behavior, that lowers the priority yet further.


                Sure. I'm just trying to give you an insight as to why it is annoying. For integration and unit testings, setting up projects in intellij and elsewhere, buildscripts etc etc - i always have to think about that Hibernate setting and find out how to set it everywhere, only because smartGWT has a hard dependency on Log4j.

