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    SmartGWT showcase license questions

    I'd love to create a locale picker in my application reusing some of the resources found in the showcase (esp. countriesDS and the flag icons).
    The application is not open source but uses smartGWT LGPL. At the moment, I do not plan to license this application to somebody else (it could be that it is used remotely commercially at some point in time). Though, I'd like to retain the option to license it commercially without having to publish the code under the GPL as well.
    So I am unsure whether reusing portions from the showcase is possible under this conditions in regard to the showcase sample's license terms.
    First, it's not clear to me how the showcase samples are licensed. Presumably, they are licensed according to the LGPL (there are some license notes in some files, which, however, refer to smartGWT).
    Second, from my point of view, one of the showcase's purposes is to provide working examples which can be modified and reused in commercial applications (without having to license them under LGPL/GPL terms). So there is some space for interpretation here whether code reuse is permitted.
    Can you clarify whether it is possible to reuse some code portions/resources (datasources, icons, and gluing code in my case) from the showcase without having to license my application as well under GPL terms?