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    TypeError: _1 is undefined error

    I cannot figure out why I get this error when DSCallback() is about to be called. Please help - see my setup and error log below.



    1. the SmartGWT or SmartClient version and browser version(s) involved;
    SmartGWT Pro 2.3 and FireFox 3.6

    2. for a server-side problem, the complete logs generated during processing of the request;

    3. for a client-side problem, the contents of the Developer Console (see FAQ for usage);
    ======= Log ======
    12:53:30.121:XRP9:INFO:xmlBinding:WMSArrivalServiceDMI:dsResponse is: {operationId: "WMSArrivalServiceDMI_add",
    clientContext: Obj,
    context: Obj,
    transactionNum: 1,
    httpResponseCode: 200,
    httpResponseText: "//isc_RPCResponseStart-->[{isDSResponse:..."[666],
    xmlHttpRequest: [object XMLHttpRequest],
    transport: "xmlHttpRequest",
    status: 0,
    clientOnly: undef,
    httpHeaders: Obj,
    isStructured: true,
    callbackArgs: null,
    results: Obj,
    isDSResponse: true,
    invalidateCache: false,
    data: Obj{name:ARBCVNTC000003-04}}
    12:53:30.139:XRP9:WARN:Log:TypeError: _1 is undefined
    unnamed({Obj}, {Obj}, {Obj})
    anonymous({Obj}, {Obj}, {Obj})
    [c]Class.fireCallback(_1=>"isc_ValuesManager_0.$49z(dsRequest, dsR..."[ 55], _2=>"dsResponse,data,dsRequest", _3=>[object Array], _4=>{Obj}, _5=>undef)
    [c]Class.fireCallback(_1=>"isc_ValuesManager_0.$49z(dsRequest, dsR..."[ 55], _2=>"dsResponse,data,dsRequest", _3=>[object Array])
    DataSource.fireResponseCallbacks({Obj}, {Obj}, {Obj}, {Obj})
    DataSource._completeResponseProcessing({Obj}, {Obj}, {Obj}, {Obj}, {Obj})
    DataSource._handleSCServerReply({Obj}, {Obj}, {Obj})
    [c]Class.fireCallback(_1=>{Obj}, _2=>"rpcResponse,data,rpcRequest", _3=>[object Array], _4=>{Obj}, _5=>undef)
    [c]Class.fireCallback(_1=>{Obj}, _2=>"rpcResponse,data,rpcRequest", _3=>[object Array])
    [c]RPCManager.fireReplyCallback(_1=>{Obj}, _2=>{Obj}, _3=>{Obj}, _4=>{Obj})
    [c]RPCManager.fireReplyCallbacks(_1=>{Obj}, _2=>{Obj})
    [c]RPCManager.performOperationReply(_1=>{Obj}, _2=>{Obj})
    [c]RPCManager.performTransactionReply(_1=>1, _2=>"//isc_RPCResponseStart-->[{isDSResponse..."[ 678], _3=>undef)
    anonymous(1, [object XMLHttpRequest])
    [c]Class.fireCallback(_1=>"isc.RPCManager.performTransactionReply(..."[ 67], _2=>"transactionNum,results,wd", _3=>[object Array])
    [c]Comm.performXmlTransactionReply(_1=>1, _2=>[object XMLHttpRequest])
    anonymous([object XMLHttpRequest])
    [c]Class.fireCallback(_1=>"isc.Comm.performXmlTransactionReply(1, ..."[ 56], _2=>"xmlHttpRequest", _3=>[object Array], _4=>[object XPCCrossOriginWrapper], _5=>true)
    Comm._fireXMLCallback([object XMLHttpRequest], "isc.Comm.performXmlTransactionReply(1, ..."[ 56])
    unnamed([object Event])


    4. if there is a JavaScript error, the stack trace logged in the Developer Console (from Internet Explorer if possible); and

    5. sample code.

    Posts with incomplete information are much more likely to be ignored.

    It's not clear what would cause this error from the stack trace you've posted.

    Can you show us your sample code?
    If you can simplify this down to a standalone test case that we can run on our end and give us the complete source / steps to reproduce we can determine whether this is a SmartGWT bug or simply a misunderstanding / usage issue.


