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    ComboBoxItem not highlighted when mouse hover

    Hi All,

    Our team is having problem with regards to display of comboboxItem in our screen. Are problem is simple but we can't seem to find the simple solution
    and we would greatly appreciate any help.

    As for the SmartGwt Showcase, upon clicking the dropdown, you'll notice that when the mouse hovers in any data, it is highlighted.
    That's what NOT happening in our page. Any idea how to make this thing work correctly?

    We put All our dropdown (comboboxItem) in a DynamicForm tru frmName.setFields(Form item) and on was put in a tool strip.

    Thanks in advance,
    Simon Dev

    You haven't posted the requested information like the version of Smart GWT that you're using. If you're using 2.2, then try the latest nightly build or wait for the next release. This issue was fixed after the 2.2 release.

