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    Form Sections


    I've been searching for the answer, but no luck.

    what i m trying to do is very simple, i just want to specify sections in a DynamicForm. For example, when calling DynamicForm.setIsGroup(true), and then DynamicForm.setGroupTitle("Personal Details"), it appears a grey rectangle with a title at the top and containing the input fields inside the rectangle.

    is there a way that i can "add group" to a form? i want to add groups for something like "personal details", "contact info", etc.

    Thanks for any help!

    2 possibilities

    For this appearance use a VLayout containing multiple DynamicForms and use a ValuesManager to interact with values from all forms as a single object

    For a slightly different appearance, use SectionItems to break a form up into a (collapsible) sections with separate titles.


      Thanks Paul. I think options one is really what i m chasing, but it seems to be a little bit complex.

      after a few days using of SmartGwt, i think SmartGwt is a great library, but needs improvements, especially the GUI components(or what i just found). Such as, SmartGwt doesn't have a time picker, i have to make a combo box to put all time options in there. And the form sections in this thread, i believe there are more to discover. These are just trivial features but give great productivity. I hope the development team could pay some attention on it and improve the product in its updates.

      I want to show my respect and support to you guys, wish to see your fantastic work!

