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    DMI cannot cast to java.util.Map exception

    I tried getting the latest smartGWTPower build yesterday Oct192010. I got this new error once I did the build for it.

    15:34:05.739:XRP2:WARN:RPCManager:SomeDataObject cannot be cast to java.util.Map, response: {operationId: "custom", clientContext: undef, context: Obj, transactionNum: 5, httpResponseCode: 200, httpResponseText: "//isc_RPCResponseStart-->[{isDSResponse:..."[185], xmlHttpRequest: Obj, transport: "xmlHttpRequest", status: -1, clientOnly: undef, httpHeaders: Obj, isStructured: true, callbackArgs: null, results: Obj, isDSResponse: true, invalidateCache: false, ....

    Anyway this was previously working and nothing was done on the server or the DS.xml side.

    The server side code is a call to Hibernate to get a list of DataObject

    List results = ESDDataServiceImpl.getInstance().getEsdUserPref(userId, name);


    Just want to know if some thing changed on the response.setData from 9.9.2010 to now?

    Anyway I will rollback to the previous working version for us, however for future enhancement, will this break my code?


    Hmm - this is difficult to debug without knowing exactly what the RPCResponse sent by the server looks like.

    Can you open the developer console, set your Logging level for categories "RPCManager" and "RPCManagerResponse" to debug, go through the steps to cause the error, and then show us the generated logs?

    Note: These logs will show all the data being passed around in your application -- if you'd rather not post this information to the public forums, feel free to send to instead.


      We'd also be interested in seeing the reported stack trace when this error occurs.


        I have rolled back to the previous working smartGWT version and it seem to be working. I will keek it here until I have more time to further review what is going on.


        One more question in regard to upgrading. I see that GWT have come out with a new SDK 2.1. Do you guy support this or will this be a future release.


          The current release of Smart GWT is compatible with GWT 2.1. If you have any issue please let us know and we'll look into it.

