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    ComboBoxItem/SelectItem populate other fields

    Hi, Iso

    i m trying to use a comboxItem/SelectItem to populate values in other fields on a ChangeEvent or a ChangedEvent of the comboBox.

    The first problem i encountered was the values, as ComboBoxItem/SelectBoxItem seems to only store 2 values, the displayValue and the actual value, i didn't find a good way to store other values of a datasource, so i use ListGridField in the ComboBoxItem/SelectBoxItem to store the needed values, and populate those values to other fields in a DynamicForm, it works but i m not sure if it's the correct way of doing it.

    Now i m trying to do the same thing to a comboBoxItem in a ListGrid. I meant to select the 'ProductCode' comboBox, then populate the dimensions and some other columns, the way i used to a DynamicForm doesn't work here. When i tried to get a specific value field of the combobox using:
    this is how i got the value in the DynamicForm, but here I got a very long exception pop up, like
    Uncaught exception escaped :
    (TypeError): self.getSelectedRecord is not a function
    could you give me a bit hint about this please? Thank you very much!!

    Anyone can help?

