-- Browser: IE7.0.5730
-- smartgwt-2.3
-- gwt-2.0.4
I have created a Tree Grid with a Summary row at the end using the
The values of the columns shows their summaries except for the column where the tree is placed. I just want to put a static message on that column's summary.
How do I display the static message for that column's summary??
Here is the code where I created the TreeGridField for that column:
I also have attached a screen shot of my TreeGrid
-- smartgwt-2.3
-- gwt-2.0.4
I have created a Tree Grid with a Summary row at the end using the
The values of the columns shows their summaries except for the column where the tree is placed. I just want to put a static message on that column's summary.
How do I display the static message for that column's summary??
Here is the code where I created the TreeGridField for that column:
TreeGridField subCategoryField = new TreeGridField("subCategory", "Sub Category", 210); subCategoryField.setAlign(Alignment.LEFT); subCategoryField.setType(ListGridFieldType.TEXT); subCategoryField.setCanDragResize(true); subCategoryField.setCanFilter(false); subCategoryField.setCanGroupBy(false); subCategoryField.setCanReorder(false); subCategoryField.setCanHide(false); subCategoryField.setCanFreeze(false); subCategoryField.setShowGridSummary(true); subCategoryField.setSummaryFunction(new SummaryFunction() { public Object getSummaryValue(Record[] records, ListGridField field) { return "Grand Total"; } });