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    Filtering on the client using AdvancedCriteria is normally at least 5x slower than Cr

    SmartGWT 2.2
    Firefox 3.6.12
    Ubuntu Linux 10.04

    One of many things I like about SmartGWT/SmartClient is that it can
    handle large dataset. It works reasonably well when applying
    criteria on a large data set. However, the performance degrades
    significantly when using AdvancedCriteria.

    I looked at DataSource.js, particularly at evaluateCriterion method,
    and noticed that it has some significant overhead that could be
    avoided or reduced:
     1. var op = this.getSearchOperator(criterion.operator);
        Finds the operator from isc.DataSource._operators array using
        linear search.  If the operators are stored using dictionary with
        operator ID as the key, it would be faster.
     2. if (criterion.fieldName) {
          var validOps = this.getFieldOperators(criterion.fieldName);
          if (!validOps.contains(op.ID)) {
            this.logWarn("Operator " + op.ID + " is not valid for field " + criterion.fieldName +
                         ". Continuing anyway.");
        Ensures the operator is valid on the fieldName and does this
        (numberOfCriteria * numberOfRecordsInDataSet) times for
        getFieldOperators() and contains().  Perhaps, it could be done
        once before applying the criteria?
    I set up simple test cases to test performance of filtering a DataSource
    of 30,000 records: using Criteria, using equivalent AdvancedCriteria, and using
    equivalent AdvancedCriteria without overhead from (1) and (2) above.
    Here is the result I get on Firefox:
    Using Criteria took: 824 ms
    Using AdvancedCriteria took: 4305 ms
    Using AdvancedCriteria without overhead took: 356 ms.

    The number are small because the records and criteria are simple, but
    relatively significant. In real use-case, we got slow script warning
    when using AdvancedCriteria. Currently we have to use native interface
    to override the default implement for (1) and (2) above, but it would
    be nice if SmartGWT/SmartClient addresses it.

    I attached source code of the test.

    Attached Files

    Thanks. We've extended these optimizations slightly (eg, to make sure that the "operator is valid for field" checks are run once) and rolled them into the product


      Glad to hear. Would it be part of next SmartGWT release? What about using dictionary to store operators?

      Since these checks only signal warnings which are ignored in production, would it be possible to have a flag to disable these checks?

      Last edited by knguyen; 3 Nov 2010, 11:01.

