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    Mixing formitems from different dynamicforms


    How can I draw the fields of 2 dynamicforms mixed together?

    Form1Field1  Form1Field2  Form2Field1
    Form1Field3  Form2Field2  Form1Field4

    It's not clear why you'd want to do that - if the fields are going to be visual placed together, this implies to the user that they are logically associated, so why are they part of different forms in your code?

    That said, you can embed other forms into the main form via CanvasItem.


      "Why" is a good question, but we're going for the extra mile and want the user to have power of placement of formitems without recompile.
      These items can come from different objects (objects belonging to each other in a business context), so that means it would be possible to mix fields from different DataSources, which would mean different DynamicForms.

      I'm now thinking more in the lines of creating a new DataSource which just inherits these user tagged fields in the order he wants, and that all and everything magically can come together again...
      is something like that possible? With e.g. combination of inheritance of DSFields and ValuesManagers?

      * CanvasItem hint: thanks. There were already thoughts that each formitem would have to be a DynamicForm on its own... but j/k about that :)


        This is another area where the "dataPath" feature you previously discussed could be enhanced to simplify things, that is, individual form fields can participate in different ValuesManagers without the need for them to split into separate DynamicForm instances.

        A user-code version of this subsystem would be to take all fields and create a single DataSource for them, bind the DynamicForm to that, and split the data in this form into separate Records before you actually save.

        This is pretty messy in terms of propagating validation errors and such of course.

