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    GWTTestCase - Unable to find 'isomorphic.gwt.xml' on your classpath


    As per ->

    I get the following error when trying to run GWTTestCase's:


    Starting HTTP on port 0
    HTTP listening on port 50700
    Starting on browser FF3
    [WARN] CSS error: null [485:24] Error in expression. Invalid token "=". Was expecting one of: <S>, <COMMA>, "/", <PLUS>, "-", <HASH>, <STRING>, ")", <URI>, "inherit", <EMS>, <EXS>, <LENGTH_PX>, <LENGTH_CM>, <LENGTH_MM>, <LENGTH_IN>, <LENGTH_PT>, <LENGTH_PC>, <ANGLE_DEG>, <ANGLE_RAD>, <ANGLE_GRAD>, <TIME_MS>, <TIME_S>, <FREQ_HZ>, <FREQ_KHZ>, <DIMENSION>, <PERCENTAGE>, <NUMBER>, <FUNCTION>, <IDENT>.
    [WARN] CSS error: null [485:29] Error in style rule. Invalid token "\n". Was expecting one of: "}", ";".
    [WARN] CSS warning: null [485:29] Ignoring the following declarations in this rule.
    [WARN] CSS error: null [518:24] Error in expression. Invalid token "=". Was expecting one of: <S>, <COMMA>, "/", <PLUS>, "-", <HASH>, <STRING>, ")", <URI>, "inherit", <EMS>, <EXS>, <LENGTH_PX>, <LENGTH_CM>, <LENGTH_MM>, <LENGTH_IN>, <LENGTH_PT>, <LENGTH_PC>, <ANGLE_DEG>, <ANGLE_RAD>, <ANGLE_GRAD>, <TIME_MS>, <TIME_S>, <FREQ_HZ>, <FREQ_KHZ>, <DIMENSION>, <PERCENTAGE>, <NUMBER>, <FUNCTION>, <IDENT>.
    [WARN] CSS error: null [518:29] Error in style rule. Invalid token "\n ". Was expecting one of: "}", ";".
    [WARN] CSS warning: null [518:29] Ignoring the following declarations in this rule.
    [WARN] CSS error: null [541:24] Error in expression. Invalid token "=". Was expecting one of: <S>, <COMMA>, "/", <PLUS>, "-", <HASH>, <STRING>, ")", <URI>, "inherit", <EMS>, <EXS>, <LENGTH_PX>, <LENGTH_CM>, <LENGTH_MM>, <LENGTH_IN>, <LENGTH_PT>, <LENGTH_PC>, <ANGLE_DEG>, <ANGLE_RAD>, <ANGLE_GRAD>, <TIME_MS>, <TIME_S>, <FREQ_HZ>, <FREQ_KHZ>, <DIMENSION>, <PERCENTAGE>, <NUMBER>, <FUNCTION>, <IDENT>.
    [WARN] CSS error: null [541:29] Error in style rule. Invalid token "\n ". Was expecting one of: "}", ";".
    [WARN] CSS warning: null [541:29] Ignoring the following declarations in this rule.
    [WARN] CSS error: null [951:24] Error in expression. Invalid token "=". Was expecting one of: <S>, <COMMA>, "/", <PLUS>, "-", <HASH>, <STRING>, ")", <URI>, "inherit", <EMS>, <EXS>, <LENGTH_PX>, <LENGTH_CM>, <LENGTH_MM>, <LENGTH_IN>, <LENGTH_PT>, <LENGTH_PC>, <ANGLE_DEG>, <ANGLE_RAD>, <ANGLE_GRAD>, <TIME_MS>, <TIME_S>, <FREQ_HZ>, <FREQ_KHZ>, <DIMENSION>, <PERCENTAGE>, <NUMBER>, <FUNCTION>, <IDENT>.
    [WARN] CSS error: null [951:29] Error in style rule. Invalid token "\n". Was expecting one of: "}", ";".
    [WARN] CSS warning: null [951:29] Ignoring the following declarations in this rule.
    [WARN] CSS error: null [977:24] Error in expression. Invalid token "=". Was expecting one of: <S>, <COMMA>, "/", <PLUS>, "-", <HASH>, <STRING>, ")", <URI>, "inherit", <EMS>, <EXS>, <LENGTH_PX>, <LENGTH_CM>, <LENGTH_MM>, <LENGTH_IN>, <LENGTH_PT>, <LENGTH_PC>, <ANGLE_DEG>, <ANGLE_RAD>, <ANGLE_GRAD>, <TIME_MS>, <TIME_S>, <FREQ_HZ>, <FREQ_KHZ>, <DIMENSION>, <PERCENTAGE>, <NUMBER>, <FUNCTION>, <IDENT>.
    [WARN] CSS error: null [977:29] Error in style rule. Invalid token "\n". Was expecting one of: "}", ";".
    [WARN] CSS warning: null [977:29] Ignoring the following declarations in this rule.
    [ERROR] Unable to find 'isomorphic.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?
    The development shell servlet received a request for 'skins/EnterpriseBlue/skin_styles.css' in module 'isomorphic.gwt.xml'
    [ERROR] Unable to find 'isomorphic.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?
    [WARN] CSS error: null [1:22] Error in style rule. Invalid token "skins/EnterpriseBlue/skin_styles.css\' in the public path of module \'isomorphic". Was expecting one of: <S>, <LBRACE>, <COMMA>, <PLUS>, <GREATER>, <IDENT>, "*", <HASH>, ".", "[", ":".
    [WARN] CSS warning: null [1:22] Ignoring the following declarations in this rule.
    Module has been loaded
    All clients connected (Limiting future permutations to: gecko1_8)
    ( 2010-11-08 10:59:36,456 [DEBUG] Log.isDebugEnabled() == true

    ( 2010-11-08 10:59:36,471 [DEBUG] testAccountDto()

    ( 2010-11-08 10:59:36,472 [DEBUG] Duration: 0.0010 seconds


    Any update on this issue?


    See my response here.

