I have a ListGrid that includes a field which has an optionDataSource and is correctly displayed as a SelectItem. I have added a ChangedHandler to the field so that when it is changed I can get the selected record and make use of other values in the record. However, in the ChangedHandler when I do this ...
SelectItem sizeSelector = (SelectItem)event.getItem()
But this generates a class cast exception saying "TextItem cannot be cast to com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.SelectItem"
Why, if the field is visualized as a SelectItem, does the event.getItem() return a TextItem?
SelectItem sizeSelector = (SelectItem)event.getItem()
But this generates a class cast exception saying "TextItem cannot be cast to com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.SelectItem"
Why, if the field is visualized as a SelectItem, does the event.getItem() return a TextItem?