I am experimenting with server side validation of ListGrid data and the behavior I observe is:
1/ Whenever a field is changed and the change is submitted to the grid, the grid sends unconditionally to the server 2 requests: one for validation and then one for update.
2/ On the server my custom validator is called by SQLDataSource 2 times - once during execution of the validation request and once during execution of the update request.
3/ On the first call to the validator it gets (in the "record" parameter) data which is a merge of the changed values and the old valies in the request.
4/ On the second call to the validator it gets only the primary key and the new values.
5/ Whenever a new record is submitted to the grid it issues as many validation requests to the server as is the number of fields with attached server side validators followed by a create request.
The problems I have with all this are:
1/ Why the grid issues upon data change a validation request if it is unconditionally followed by an update request which triggers validation too?
2/ Why are the validation requests upon record creation so many and why are they issued at all if the unconditionally following create operation triggers validation too?
2/ Why is it that during an update operation the (SQL) data source does not merge changed and old values prior to calling the validator(s)?
3/ Is there a way to get hold of the old values from the request in my custom validator? I looked at all required and optional arguments and found so far no way that would make sense.
The reason why old data matters much to me is that I want to be able to do validation based on relations between feelds (e.g. - comparison) rather than individual values only. At present I am forced to pull old data from the database which is doable but much more expensive than getting the old data from the request.
Can somebody please answer the questions above?
1/ Whenever a field is changed and the change is submitted to the grid, the grid sends unconditionally to the server 2 requests: one for validation and then one for update.
2/ On the server my custom validator is called by SQLDataSource 2 times - once during execution of the validation request and once during execution of the update request.
3/ On the first call to the validator it gets (in the "record" parameter) data which is a merge of the changed values and the old valies in the request.
4/ On the second call to the validator it gets only the primary key and the new values.
5/ Whenever a new record is submitted to the grid it issues as many validation requests to the server as is the number of fields with attached server side validators followed by a create request.
The problems I have with all this are:
1/ Why the grid issues upon data change a validation request if it is unconditionally followed by an update request which triggers validation too?
2/ Why are the validation requests upon record creation so many and why are they issued at all if the unconditionally following create operation triggers validation too?
2/ Why is it that during an update operation the (SQL) data source does not merge changed and old values prior to calling the validator(s)?
3/ Is there a way to get hold of the old values from the request in my custom validator? I looked at all required and optional arguments and found so far no way that would make sense.
The reason why old data matters much to me is that I want to be able to do validation based on relations between feelds (e.g. - comparison) rather than individual values only. At present I am forced to pull old data from the database which is doable but much more expensive than getting the old data from the request.
Can somebody please answer the questions above?