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    slider value / range css

    Hello community,

    I tried to change the CSS for the slider widget's value and range without success.
    I see in the DOM Inspector, that the "sliderValue" and "sliderRange" styles are applied to them. If I use these style names in my CSS file with for example the property "color:white" nothing changes.

    Any ideas? How do I apply a custom style for the slider value or range?

    I know how to apply a custom style to the whole slider widget though. I call hSlider.addStyleName("hSlider"); and then apply my styles to this CSS class like this:
    background-color: red;
    But I if I put here "color: white", it doesn't change the font color of the slider's range or the value.

    Thanks in advance!

    Best regards,

    * Push *

    Does nobody have an idea?

