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    Never mind, I've solved it myself. It wasn't a corrupt JDK or the like.
    I simply spent a LOT of time unpacking jars from WEB-INF/lib, combined with unpacking my own Hibernate jars and the like into the WEB-INF/classes directory.

    I'm not using DSRequest in my DMI, instead I'm using Hibernate in my DMI to perform all of the persistence.

    Oh, and my DMI class needs to be included in one of the isomorphic jars else it can't find the isomorphic imports, so I have put it into the examples one for now.

    There is something seriously wrong with the way the classloading works, but if you fiddle with it long enough, you can get it to work.

    My next trick will be to try and figure out how to deploy this mess consistently and reliably.


      Sorry for all the hassle, but just to clarify:

      1. SmartClient and SmartGWT don't manage anything related to classloading. If there's a bug here, it's a servlet engine bug

      2. If you deploy the SmartClient SDK to Tomcat, JBoss, WebLogic, or whatever application server, or use it with Eclipse (which is Jetty), it works fine to put Java classes containing DMI logic in the usual place (WEB-INF/classes, or create a .jar). We do this basically every day.

