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    Originally posted by sjozsi
    I am new in JAVA, GWT, SmartGWT and web development :-( Sorry for this.
    Well, that's quite a bunch of new things to try to learn in one step.

    My suggestion would be to

    - Get familiar with Java
    - Get familiar with GWT web development
    - Get familiar with SmartGWT web development

    In this order.

    Depending on your current level, each step is going to take several weeks / months.
    (If you aim for SmartGWT, you can skip GWT widgets, but the general atchitecture of the WEB application is still there to learn.)

    * * *

    hat is wrong, or what is missing?
    Generally, experience.

    In this specific example, I guess you have not updated your web.xml.

    No offense, but this stuff is not intended to be used by newcomers in the field; there is a learning curve here, and with a very good reason. There a lot of levels, interfaced, interconnected concepts in the work here; it's impossible to understand it without going from level to level.

    Best wishes anyway.



      I omitted Eclipse before. :-))

      Thanks again for Your help. I update the web.xml and everything is working well.

