Hi, it seems to me that the new Simplicity theme is not working in IE (tried with IE8) in all cases.
The showcase worked for me in IE8 when run from the web but not when run in development mode on the local machine.
The stylesheet (skin_styles.css), however, is exactly the same in both cases.
Also, my own project where I use the smartgwt-skins.jar and Simplicity just works (dev and deployment) in Firefox, Chrome, and even Opera, but not in IE8.
Other skins (in the showcase or in own projects), e.g. enterprise or fleet, work flawlessly.
Did somebody get the Simplicity theme to work gently in IE8 with their projects or with the showcase run on the developer machine?


Windows 7 (64), Java 6.0.22, GWT 2.2.1, smartGWT 2.4, Internet Explorer 8.0.7600.16385