I am using Smart GWT Power, snapshot 13-12-2010.
I have a form that shows the profile of the currently logged in user. In order to secure this, that is, the user can only see HIS OWN profile, even if he would edit the request data (substituting his username for someone else's), I created a custom check like this.
So it just compares the username that was sent as primary key in the criteria, to the one in the session, and checks if they are the same.
My Form code looks like this
and this is my users.ds.xml
Now, as you can see, the form has setFetchOperation("myProfileRead");, and the debugger shows that my custom operation is called. Observing the return data, it DOES in fact return the username, email, and surname, as the binding has stated in its outputs. So , it ought to work, but the form is not populated.
If I remove the setFetchOperation("myProfileRead") line, falling back to the built-in (insecure) fetch operation, the form IS getting populated.
Is this a bug, or am I missing something? Any help appreciated!
I am using Smart GWT Power, snapshot 13-12-2010.
I have a form that shows the profile of the currently logged in user. In order to secure this, that is, the user can only see HIS OWN profile, even if he would edit the request data (substituting his username for someone else's), I created a custom check like this.
public class UpdateMyProfile { public DSResponse fetch(DSRequest req) throws Exception { DSResponse res = new DSResponse(); Object principal = SecurityContextHolder.getContext() .getAuthentication().getPrincipal(); SytematicSaltedUser currentUser = null; if ("anonymousUser".equals(principal)) { res.setFailure(); return res; } else { currentUser = (SytematicSaltedUser) principal; } final String username = currentUser.getUsername(); Map crits = req.getCriteria(); if (crits != null && crits.get("username") != null) { String usernameFromClient = (String) crits.get("username"); if (!usernameFromClient.equals(username)) { res.addError("username", "You cannot get someone else's username"); return res; } else { res = req.execute(); return res; } } else { res.setFailure(); return res; } } }
My Form code looks like this
private class UserForm extends DynamicForm { protected RadosMessages messages = (RadosMessages) GWT .create(RadosMessages.class); public UserForm(String username) { setWidth(330); setTitleWidth(200); setDataSource(DataSource.get("users")); setFetchOperation("myProfileRead"); setUpdateOperation("myProfileUpdate"); setNumCols(2); setTitleOrientation(TitleOrientation.LEFT); getField("surname").setTitle(messages.myProfileWindow_surname()); getField("username").setTitle(messages.myProfileWindow_username()); getField("email").setTitle(messages.myProfileWindow_email()); setValue("username", username); getField("password").hide(); getField("list_groups").hide(); getField("account_enabled").hide(); saveProfileButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { userForm.saveData(new DSCallback() { public void execute(DSResponse response, Object rawData, DSRequest request) { if (response.getStatus() == DSResponse.STATUS_SUCCESS) { SC.say(messages.myProfileWindow_successfully_changed()); } } }); } }); Criteria criteria = new Criteria("username", username); fetchData(criteria); } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <DataSource ID="users" serverType="sql" tableName="users"> <fields> <field name="username" type="text" length="50" primaryKey="true" required="true"/> <field name="email" type="text" required="true"> <validators> <validator type="serverCustom"> <serverObject lookupStyle="new" className="nl.sytematic.projects.SytematicDemoApp.server.validators.EmailValidator"/> </validator> </validators> </field> <field name="password" type="text" length="50"/> <field name="salt" type="hidden"/> <field name="account_enabled" type="boolean" required="false"/> <field name="list_groups" type="text" length="50" customSQL="true"/> <field name="surname" title="surname" type="text" required="false" length="128" /> </fields> <operationBindings> <operationBinding operationType="fetch" requiresRole="CAN_READ_MY_ACCOUNT" requiresAuthentication="true" operationId="myProfileRead" outputs="username,email,surname"> <serverObject lookupStyle="new" className="nl.sytematic.projects.SytematicDemoApp.server.security.UpdateMyProfile"/> </operationBinding> <!-- rest of bindings omitted for clarity --> </DataSource>
If I remove the setFetchOperation("myProfileRead") line, falling back to the built-in (insecure) fetch operation, the form IS getting populated.
Is this a bug, or am I missing something? Any help appreciated!