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    question about grid grouping headers and grid summaries


    i'm using a listgrid on one page for reporting, where i group the rows on user, and have a number of rows with hours for each user. In the bottom of each row i show a summary, quite similar to the "grid summaries" showcase example.

    Now, the users have expressed a bit of frustration that you have to open each group, scroll to the bottom to view calculated group summaries.

    I am wondering if there's some way to

    a) show the summary row as the first row in the group, and optimally to also show the summary row when the grid group is collapsed.

    b) the absolute best solution would be to somehow use the summary row as the group header somehow.

    Is there some way to accomplish any of this? Thankful for pointers.

    Any help on this. I want to achieve something similar. Have summary values along with the group header, so that all groups when collapsed show header and summary data.


      I would be interested to see some example on this as well.


        +1. I seem to remember an identical post not long ago, where Isomorphic recommended feature sponsorship to make it happen sooner than later.



          any update on this? Is a feature like this considered for smartgwt?

