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    How to update display value in ComboBoxItem

    I have databound ComboboxItem which has OptionDataSource set. Next to comboboxitem I have button that pops form that can be used to add/update records in optionDataSource. Everything works fine unless user want to change currently selected record in ComboBoxItem. In that case, we cannot force comboBoxItem to show updated display value. I have tried to perform fetch, to clear value and select the same value and many other things but without success.
    I can see that record is updated in datasource as correct values are displayed in the pick list. But even if I try to select some other value from pick list and then select value that was selected before change, combobox will display old value (even pick list shows correct value).

    Is there a way to force ComboBoxItem to show updated display value from OptionDataSource?

    I am using SmartGWT 2.4 and have tested this in several browsers (Explorer, Firefox, Chrome).