Hi there,
I am using SmartGWT 2.4, and I have two types of TabSet(s), each one has a different look and feel, and I am facing a problem implementing that.
The new TabSet has been implemented as the following :
based on the last paragraph (Multiple looks for the same component type) here : http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwtee/javadoc/com/smartgwt/client/docs/Skinning.html
I've defined a new class that holds the same primary name I used above :
and then I've added some properties to it :
The code above has been written at the top of section 6 (TabSet) in load_skin.js file.
Now, I am still getting the same old TabSet look and feel in MainTabSet.
my Questions now are :
1- did I follow the right steps to achieve my goal ?
2- how could I consider new classes to some sub elements of TabSet -like TabBar- but only for the new component (MainTabSet)?
Thank you guys.
I am using SmartGWT 2.4, and I have two types of TabSet(s), each one has a different look and feel, and I am facing a problem implementing that.
The new TabSet has been implemented as the following :
public class MainTabSet extends TabSet{ public MainTabSet(){ super.setStylePrimaryName("MainTabSet"); build(); } private void build(){ setMargin(6); setWidth100(); setHeight100(); setStyleName("nt-main-tabset"); Tab inboxTab = new Tab("Inbox"); inboxTab.setPane(new InboxPane().get()); } }
I've defined a new class that holds the same primary name I used above :
isc.defineClass("MainTabSet", "TabSet");
isc.MainTabSet.addProperties({ tabBarThickness:100, scrollerButtonSize:100, pickerButtonSize:100, symmetricScroller:false, symmetricPickerButton:false, scrollerSrc:"nothing", pickerButtonSrc:"nothingg", closeTabIconSize:100 })
The code above has been written at the top of section 6 (TabSet) in load_skin.js file.
Now, I am still getting the same old TabSet look and feel in MainTabSet.
my Questions now are :
1- did I follow the right steps to achieve my goal ?
2- how could I consider new classes to some sub elements of TabSet -like TabBar- but only for the new component (MainTabSet)?
Thank you guys.