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    How to get GUI logs into a file ?

    I am trying to find a way to implement simple run-time logs from the SmartGWT GUI to a log-file.

    Don't wanna use Developer Console as that is not preferred to be included in build.

    Mine is a Java-based application running on Solaris.
    So just want to have some logs to a new log-file which shall be present in a log-directory of my application.

    Suggestions please...

    Ankit Bhutani
    Last edited by ankitbhutani; 24 Jan 2011, 23:08.

    Remember, it's just JavaScript running in a browser. You can't access your local filesystem from there. So you need some service on your webserver to send text to and that service can write to a file.

    See gwt-log and its RemoteLogger feature.

