I am using SC_SNAPSHOT-2011-01-04/PowerEdition.
I am trying to override the getDropComponent method of PortalLayout to create a new Window to add rather than the button I drag to the layout. I can get this to work with I override the method in Layout, but cannot get it to work in PortalLayout.
Here is code to reproduce the problem:
When I drag the "drag me" button to the Layout canvas, it creates a new Window. When I drag the "drag me" button to the PortalLayout canvas, it drops the button. It seems to ignore the getDropComponent override.
I am trying to override the getDropComponent method of PortalLayout to create a new Window to add rather than the button I drag to the layout. I can get this to work with I override the method in Layout, but cannot get it to work in PortalLayout.
Here is code to reproduce the problem:
public void onModuleLoad() { final Canvas mainCanvas = new Canvas(); mainCanvas.setHeight100(); mainCanvas.setWidth100(); mainCanvas.setBackgroundColor("palegreen"); mainCanvas.addChild(createDragDropTester()); mainCanvas.draw(); } private HLayout createDragDropTester() { final VLayout left = new VLayout(); left.setHeight100(); left.setWidth("20%"); left.setBackgroundColor("whitesmoke"); left.setMembersMargin(10); IButton button = new IButton("drag me"); button.setCanDrag(true); button.setCanDrop(true); button.setDragAppearance(DragAppearance.OUTLINE); button.setDragType("Portlet"); left.addMember(button); final VLayout right = new VLayout(); right.setHeight100(); right.setWidth("*"); final Layout layout = new Layout() { @Override protected Canvas getDropComponent(Canvas dragTarget, int dropPosition) { Canvas canvas = super.getDropComponent(dragTarget, dropPosition); SC.logWarn("layout gDc:" + canvas.getClass()); final Window window = new Window(); window.setWidth(100); return window; // return canvas; } }; layout.setWidth100(); layout.setHeight100(); layout.setCanAcceptDrop(true); layout.setCanDropComponents(true); layout.setBackgroundColor("azure"); right.addMember(layout); final PortalLayout playout = new PortalLayout(2) { @Override protected Canvas getDropComponent(Canvas dragTarget, int dropPosition) { Canvas canvas = super.getDropComponent(dragTarget, dropPosition); SC.logWarn("PLAYOUT gDc:" + canvas.getClass()); final Window window = new Window(); return window; // return canvas; } }; playout.setWidth100(); playout.setHeight100(); playout.setCanAcceptDrop(true); playout.setCanDropComponents(true); playout.setBackgroundColor("beige"); right.addMember(playout); final HLayout hlayout = new HLayout(); hlayout.setMargin(10); hlayout.setWidth100(); hlayout.setHeight100(); hlayout.addMember(left); hlayout.addMember(right); return hlayout; } }