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    setExportHeader in exportClientData

    Using SmartClient Version: SC_SNAPSHOT-2010-08-03/Pro Deployment (built 2010-08-03)

    I've been working on adding an export to Excel function in an existing SmartGWT application. Most of the ListGrids that are being exported use the exportData( DSRequest ) method and work fine. One report combines a DetailViewer with some summary information with a detailed report in a ListGrid. I'm using the setExportHeader to include the DetailViewer record in the export header. If I use the CSV format and exportData, the process works (but the financial information from the ListGrid requires conversion to currency and percentage formats). If I use exportClientData( DSRequest ), the ListGrid data gets exported with its existing formats but no header. Does this mean that the export header is not supported by exportClientData? I've also noticed that the export header is not compatible with the XMLOO format (Excel 2007).

    exportClientData() supports a header as of 2.4. It's a good time to upgrade - be sure to check out the new QuickStart Guide too.

