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    Edit DataSource in Form without ListGrid

    Hi there,

    is it somehow possible to edit DataSource row in form without having ListGrid and calling editSelectedData ?

    I will have DataSource which i will set Criteria to only hold one record (through record id). Now if i call fetchData on the DynamicForm, will it show the data from the one record in the form ? And if i call saveData, it will save right ?

    I assume this would not work if i had more records in DataSource.

    Or do i need to have listGrid and selecting the data to edit there ?

    Thank you very much as always.

    Using SmartGWT EE 2.3.

    Isomorphic is this a hard question ? I'm getting pretty pissed-off by you constantly not replying to even the most simplest of questions.. What is so hard to write Yes or No...


      What is so hard about actually trying? Sometimes questions are not answered quickly because they are covered in the quick start guide or reference docs already...

      The docs already specify that form.fetchData() loads the desired record(s) and edits the first one. If your criteria is specific enough (PK) you can edit any desired record.


        Thank you very much!


          To properly set expectations: you don't have support, so you will at best see responses from the support team when all customers that have support have had all of their questions answered.

          To get consistent, timely responses, purchase support.


            Fair enough..

