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    Resurrecting this old but very useful thread to ask a natural follow on question...

    Once the list has had its data invalidated and re-fetched, how can I select a record which isn't in the result set cache?

    Or, to spell it out:

    * I invalidate the list's data
    * a FETCH happens, which grabs, say, the first 75 records
    * I want to select a record which is outside those 75. I don't know where - my back end DB has 250,000 records.

    The docs for the ResultSet.find() methods all confirm they don't trigger a fetch. So is there a way of doing a find across a result set in a way which will interogate the server data?

    I have a custom back end so can probably hack something together, but that's prone to all sorts of complications with sorting and filtering in the client list. Is there a "proper" approach I can use?


      Trying a bump on this. The same question is asked on StackOverflow:

      But no response there either.

      Succinctly: what's the technique for forcing a "clientOnly" widget, like a ListGrid, to find, load, and scroll to a particular record which is known to be in the server's DB, but isn't in the widget's local cache?

      I've found ResultSet.get(int) which will do the job at a low level. (It will require a server query to find the index of the required record). Is there a higher level way of doing it?

