According to http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwt/...etTitleField(), if I do specify a titleField on a DataSource, it looks for fields named "title", "label", "name", and "id" in that order.
I have a field name "NAME", and it's not identified as title. If I change the field name to lowercase, it is recognized. Would it be possible to detect title fields case insensitively?
(Tested with nighly 02.17)
Thank you for your help:
According to http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwt/...etTitleField(), if I do specify a titleField on a DataSource, it looks for fields named "title", "label", "name", and "id" in that order.
I have a field name "NAME", and it's not identified as title. If I change the field name to lowercase, it is recognized. Would it be possible to detect title fields case insensitively?
(Tested with nighly 02.17)
Thank you for your help: