I am trying to make my listgrid columns based on user selection.
The listGrid's datasource is being (at the beginning) attached with DataSource.get("myDS");
When the user selects the columns to be shown, I call the method listGrid.setFields(field1, field2, ....).
It actually works, but when there are many columns (in my example 11 columns) the scrolling takes a lot of time.
When I start the "adminConsole.jsp", and I select the same datasource, it shows even more columns (16) and the scrolling is very smooth.
Whan am I doing wrong?
I am using firefox 3.6 and my js log is:
15:17:29.590:WARN:AutoObserver:Use addInterfaceProperties() to add methods to interface [Class AutoObserver]
15:17:30.007:WARN:Log:New Class ID: 'IAutoFitButton' collides with ID of existing Class object '[Class IAutoFitButton]'. Existing object will be replaced.
15:17:30.007:WARN:Log:New Class ID: 'HeaderImgButton' collides with ID of existing Class object '[Class HeaderImgButton]'. Existing object will be replaced.
15:17:59.480:INFO:Log:isc.Page is loaded
I am testing from within eclipse, so I am not compiling the project.
I am using SmartGWT 2.4 EE.
Thank you for your help
My code: (the relevant method is setAdditionalComponentFields(ListGridField ... fields) )
I am trying to make my listgrid columns based on user selection.
The listGrid's datasource is being (at the beginning) attached with DataSource.get("myDS");
When the user selects the columns to be shown, I call the method listGrid.setFields(field1, field2, ....).
It actually works, but when there are many columns (in my example 11 columns) the scrolling takes a lot of time.
When I start the "adminConsole.jsp", and I select the same datasource, it shows even more columns (16) and the scrolling is very smooth.
Whan am I doing wrong?
I am using firefox 3.6 and my js log is:
15:17:29.590:WARN:AutoObserver:Use addInterfaceProperties() to add methods to interface [Class AutoObserver]
15:17:30.007:WARN:Log:New Class ID: 'IAutoFitButton' collides with ID of existing Class object '[Class IAutoFitButton]'. Existing object will be replaced.
15:17:30.007:WARN:Log:New Class ID: 'HeaderImgButton' collides with ID of existing Class object '[Class HeaderImgButton]'. Existing object will be replaced.
15:17:59.480:INFO:Log:isc.Page is loaded
I am testing from within eclipse, so I am not compiling the project.
I am using SmartGWT 2.4 EE.
Thank you for your help
My code: (the relevant method is setAdditionalComponentFields(ListGridField ... fields) )
import com.smartgwt.client.data.Criteria; import com.smartgwt.client.data.DataSource; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.grid.ListGrid; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.grid.ListGridField; public class SchuelerListGrid extends ListGrid { public static final String EMPTY_FIELD = "emptyField"; public static final String EMPTY_FIELD_DISPLAY_NAME = " "; private DataSource ds = DataSource.get("schueler"); private int attachedDataSourceFrom = -1; private boolean attachedDataSource = false; private ListGridField nameField; private ListGridField vornameField; private ListGridField gebDatumField; public SchuelerListGrid() { super(); setLoadingDataMessage("${loadingImage} " +Zedes2.getConstants().loadingMessage()); //setLoadingMessage(Zedes2.getConstants().loadingMessage()); setShowAllRecords(false); setSortField(0); setAutoFetchData(false); setCanEdit(false); setShowFilterEditor(true); setFilterOnKeypress(true); setFetchDelay(500); setComponentFields(); setDataSource(ds); } private void setComponentFields() { nameField = new ListGridField("name", "Name"); vornameField = new ListGridField("vorname", "Vorname"); gebDatumField = new ListGridField("geb_datum", "Geb. Datum"); setFields(nameField, vornameField, gebDatumField); } private void setSchultypCriteria(int schultyp) { Criteria n = new Criteria(); n.setAttribute("schultyp",schultyp); fetchData(n); } public void setAdditionalComponentFields(ListGridField ... fields) { ListGridField[] f = new ListGridField[fields.length + 3]; //because of name, vorname, gebDatum f[0] = nameField; f[1] = vornameField; f[2] = gebDatumField; for (int i=3; i<= f.length-1; i++) { f[i] = fields[i-3]; } setFields(f); } public void attachDataSource(int einrichtungID) { attachedDataSourceFrom = einrichtungID; setSchultypCriteria(einrichtungID); attachedDataSource = true; } public boolean getHasAttachedDataSourceFrom(int einrichtungID) { return einrichtungID == attachedDataSourceFrom; } public boolean hasAttachedDataSource() { return attachedDataSource; } public void attachDataSourceAll() { fetchData(); attachedDataSource = true; } }