SC_SNAPSHOT-2011-03-17/EVAL Deployment
FireFox 3.6.15
The value in my custom editor dialog form is not selected!
Both focusInItem() and selectValue() aren't working.
Use case: when user wants to edit the value through the dialog box.
The value in the first field of the dialog form should be selected.
Repo case, click the edit icon. DialogForm appears, the value of the input field is not selected.
Strange thing, when opening the dialog form for the second time, the value is selected.
I have added a stand alone test case below:
SC_SNAPSHOT-2011-03-17/EVAL Deployment
FireFox 3.6.15
The value in my custom editor dialog form is not selected!
Both focusInItem() and selectValue() aren't working.
Use case: when user wants to edit the value through the dialog box.
The value in the first field of the dialog form should be selected.
Repo case, click the edit icon. DialogForm appears, the value of the input field is not selected.
Strange thing, when opening the dialog form for the second time, the value is selected.
I have added a stand alone test case below:
public class Standalone implements EntryPoint { private static Canvas masterPanel = null; public void onModuleLoad() { //masterPanel should be a Layout masterPanel = new Canvas(); masterPanel.setHeight100(); masterPanel.setWidth100(); masterPanel.setStyleName("pageBackground"); //background style from skin masterPanel.addChild(testCase1()); masterPanel.draw(); } public DynamicForm testCase1() { DataSource dataSource = new DataSource(); DataSourceField myTextField = new DataSourceField(); myTextField.setName("textField"); myTextField.setTitle("textField"); myTextField.setType(new MyTextType()); myTextField.setEditorType(new MyTextEditor()); dataSource.setFields(myTextField); DynamicForm form = new DynamicForm(); form.setHeight(170); form.setWidth(500); form.setDataSource(dataSource); form.setValue("textField", 100); return form; } public static class MyTextType extends SimpleType { public MyTextType() { super("myTextType", FieldType.ANY); } } private class MyTextEditor extends TextItem { private Dialog dialog; public MyTextEditor() { super(); setSelectOnFocus(true); FormItemIcon icon = new FormItemIcon(); icon.setSrc("[SKIN]/actions/edit.png"); //remove icon from tabIndex: if we don't do this, this gives troubles with the onBlur and onFocus events + //we can never actually leave the field and tab to the next field :-/ icon.setTabIndex(-1); setIcons(icon); setShowIcons(true); addIconClickHandler(new IconClickHandler() { public void onIconClick(IconClickEvent event) { // get global coordinates of the clicked picker icon Rectangle iconRect = getIconPageRect(event.getIcon()); Object source = event.getSource(); if (source != null) { MyTextEditor editor = (MyTextEditor) source; // show the picker dialog if (iconRect != null) { showDialog(event.getItem(), iconRect.getLeft(), iconRect.getTop()); } else { showDialog(event.getItem(), EventHandler.getX(), EventHandler.getY()); } } } }); } private void showDialog(final FormItem item, int left, int top) { if (dialog == null) { createDialog(item, (Integer) item.getValue()); } // don't put dialog outside pageRight if (left + dialog.getWidth() > Page.getWidth()) { left = Page.getWidth() - dialog.getWidth() - 5; // margin if (left < 0) left = 5; } // don't put dialog outside pageBottom if (top + dialog.getHeight() > Page.getHeight()) { top = Page.getHeight() - dialog.getHeight() - 5; // margin if (top < 0) top = 5; } dialog.moveTo(left, top); dialog.show(); } private void createDialog(final FormItem item, final Integer enteredValue) { dialog = new Dialog(); dialog.setDismissOnEscape(true); // close on esc (not working?) dialog.setDismissOnOutsideClick(true); // close when clicked outside dialog.setAutoCenter(true); dialog.setIsModal(true); dialog.setShowEdges(false); dialog.setBorder("1px solid #555555"); // show a line around the box dialog.setShowHeader(false); dialog.setShowToolbar(false); dialog.setAutoSize(true); dialog.setBackgroundColor("#FFFFFF"); // without this you could see true // the dialog in some browsers final DynamicForm dialogForm = new DynamicForm(); final TextItem txtRefAmount = new TextItem("input"); txtRefAmount.setSelectOnFocus(true); txtRefAmount.setTitle("Amount"); txtRefAmount.setValue(enteredValue); txtRefAmount.addFocusHandler(new FocusHandler() { public void onFocus(FocusEvent event) { //both methods aren't working! // txtRefAmount.selectValue(); txtRefAmount.focusInItem(); } }); dialogForm.addSubmitValuesHandler(new SubmitValuesHandler() { public void onSubmitValues(SubmitValuesEvent event) { dialog.hide(); } }); dialogForm.addVisibilityChangedHandler(new VisibilityChangedHandler() { public void onVisibilityChanged(VisibilityChangedEvent event) { if (event.getIsVisible()) { //this is not working!!! txtRefAmount.selectValue(); } } }); final ButtonItem btnItem = new ButtonItem("Ok"); btnItem.addClickHandler(new com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.events.ClickHandler() { public void onClick(com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.events.ClickEvent event) { dialogForm.submit(); } }); btnItem.setColSpan(2); btnItem.setAlign(Alignment.RIGHT); btnItem.setWidth(100); dialogForm.setItems(txtRefAmount, btnItem); dialog.addItem(dialogForm); dialog.setVisibility(Visibility.HIDDEN); dialog.draw(); } } }