Hi all,
I have been pulling my hair out the last day trying to get GWTUpload working in my application.
I have a Modal Popup window, which contains a form, there's a few text fields and then the GWTUpload component.
Now after tinkering with the code for a day I have it in a working state. Issues's I has were with the upload button not appearing where I expected (and in fact I didn't want to use there button at all which API's say is possible by just passing in, didn't seem to function too well unfortunately) However I have fixed that issue by just removing the button GWTUpload adds.
Next issue was that I wanted to select file via a hyper-link and for the filename to show in that text once select, that now works, I was just using wrong FileType, needed label.
So that leaves me with the one remaining but biggest problem, I choose to use GWTUpload for the progress bar as this is something our users would like, but its just doesn't appear and I can't figure out what is going on, maybe its something to do with how its embedded in a DynamicForm, maybe I don't understand GWTUpload API's well enough, although everything I have read seems to suggest I should be seeing a progress bar.
Code attached before, anyone got any views or guidance on what I'm doing wrong here that would be much appreciated
FYI, ModalFormWindow extends a window and adds a VLayout to it and then a Dynamic Form to the VLayout...
SmartGWT Version 2.2
I have been pulling my hair out the last day trying to get GWTUpload working in my application.
I have a Modal Popup window, which contains a form, there's a few text fields and then the GWTUpload component.
Now after tinkering with the code for a day I have it in a working state. Issues's I has were with the upload button not appearing where I expected (and in fact I didn't want to use there button at all which API's say is possible by just passing in, didn't seem to function too well unfortunately) However I have fixed that issue by just removing the button GWTUpload adds.
Next issue was that I wanted to select file via a hyper-link and for the filename to show in that text once select, that now works, I was just using wrong FileType, needed label.
So that leaves me with the one remaining but biggest problem, I choose to use GWTUpload for the progress bar as this is something our users would like, but its just doesn't appear and I can't figure out what is going on, maybe its something to do with how its embedded in a DynamicForm, maybe I don't understand GWTUpload API's well enough, although everything I have read seems to suggest I should be seeing a progress bar.
Code attached before, anyone got any views or guidance on what I'm doing wrong here that would be much appreciated
FYI, ModalFormWindow extends a window and adds a VLayout to it and then a Dynamic Form to the VLayout...
SmartGWT Version 2.2
package com.serengetisystems.tcrm.client.window; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Button; import com.serengetisystems.srgutils.marker.Reloadable; import com.serengetisystems.tcrm.client.util.DictionaryUtils; import com.serengetisystems.tcrm.client.widgets.ButtonBar; import com.serengetisystems.tcrm.client.widgets.button.CancelButton; import com.serengetisystems.tcrm.dto.detail.CaseDto; import com.serengetisystems.tcrm.dto.detail.CorrespondenceDto; import com.serengetisystems.tcrm.util.constants.DictionaryConstants; import com.smartgwt.client.types.Alignment; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Canvas; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.IButton; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.events.ClickEvent; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.events.ClickHandler; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.*; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.layout.VLayout; import gwtupload.client.*; /** * Document tab in case edit window use this to edit or add a new document * * @author: dale.ellis * Version History * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Changed By When Description * dale.ellis 23/03/11 Initial release */ public class AddEditDocumentWindow extends ModalFormWindow { private static final int POPUP_HEIGHT = 220; private static final int POPUP_WIDTH = 400; private CorrespondenceDto correspondence; private CaseDto caseObj; private Reloadable opener; private boolean isNew; // Form fields final private StaticTextItem createdDateField = new StaticTextItem(); final private StaticTextItem createdByField = new StaticTextItem(); final private TextItem descriptionField = new TextItem(DictionaryConstants.DESCRIPTION, DictionaryUtils.get(DictionaryConstants.DESCRIPTION)); ButtonBar buttonBar = null; private final IButton saveButton = new IButton(DictionaryUtils.get(DictionaryConstants.SAVE)); private final IButton cancelButton = new CancelButton(); private SingleUploader singleUploader; private CanvasItem canvasItem; public AddEditDocumentWindow(final CorrespondenceDto correspondence, final CaseDto caseObj, Reloadable opener) { super(POPUP_WIDTH, POPUP_HEIGHT); this.correspondence = correspondence; this.caseObj = caseObj; this.opener = opener; isNew = (correspondence.getId() == null); setTitle((isNew ? DictionaryUtils.get(DictionaryConstants.ADD) : DictionaryUtils.get(DictionaryConstants.EDIT)) + " " + DictionaryUtils.get(DictionaryConstants.DOCUMENT)); getForm().setNumCols(2); getForm().setColWidths("30%", "70%"); getForm().setCellPadding(2); //getForm().setCellBorder(2); getForm().setHeight(this.getHeight() - 50); drawForm(); } private void drawForm() { initFileUploadItem(); if (!isNew) { createdDateField.setRequired(true); createdDateField.setTitle(DictionaryUtils.get(DictionaryConstants.CREATED_DATE)); createdDateField.setTitleAlign(Alignment.LEFT); createdDateField.setValue(correspondence.getNote().getUserCreatedDate()); createdByField.setRequired(true); createdByField.setTitle(DictionaryUtils.get(DictionaryConstants.CREATED_BY)); createdByField.setTitleAlign(Alignment.LEFT); createdByField.setValue(correspondence.getNote().getCreatedBy().getName()); } createdDateField.setVisible(!isNew); createdByField.setVisible(!isNew); SpacerItem spacer = new RowSpacerItem(); spacer.setHeight(10); descriptionField.setRequired(true); descriptionField.setTitleAlign(Alignment.LEFT); descriptionField.setWidth("*"); descriptionField.setValue(correspondence.getDescription()); // BUTTONS buttonBar = new ButtonBar(Alignment.RIGHT, saveButton, cancelButton); saveButton.setDisabled(true); final CanvasItem buttonItems = new CanvasItem(); buttonItems.setShowTitle(Boolean.FALSE); buttonItems.setColSpan(4); buttonItems.setHeight(20); buttonItems.setAlign(Alignment.RIGHT); VLayout buttonsItemLayout = new VLayout(); buttonsItemLayout.addMember(buttonBar); buttonItems.setCanvas(buttonsItemLayout); getForm().setItems(createdDateField, createdByField, spacer, descriptionField, spacer, canvasItem, buttonItems); //GWTUpload uploader singleUploader.setServletPath(singleUploader.getServletPath() + "?caseId=" + caseObj.getId().toString()); if (!isNew) { singleUploader.setServletPath(singleUploader.getServletPath() + "&correspondenceId=" + correspondence.getId().toString()); } setupUploadHandler(); } /** * Setup what happens when upload pressed */ private void setupUploadHandler() { saveButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { if (getForm().validate()) { buttonBar.disableButtons(); singleUploader.setServletPath(singleUploader.getServletPath() + "&description=" + descriptionField.getValue().toString()); singleUploader.submit(); } } }); cancelButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(com.smartgwt.client.widgets.events.ClickEvent clickEvent) { destroy(); } }); } /** * Create the GWTUpload field */ //TODO status bar not showing, and use of own button failing private void initFileUploadItem() { canvasItem = new CanvasItem(); canvasItem.setWidth("*"); canvasItem.setShowTitle(false); canvasItem.setColSpan(2); canvasItem.setHeight("25px"); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(); Button button = new Button("Upload"); singleUploader = new SingleUploader(IFileInput.FileInputType.LABEL, null, button); button.removeFromParent(); singleUploader.setWidth("100%"); singleUploader.setHeight("25px"); singleUploader.setAutoSubmit(false); singleUploader.setEnabled(true); // Add a finish handler which will load the image once the upload finishes singleUploader.addOnFinishUploadHandler(onFinishUploaderHandler); singleUploader.addOnChangeUploadHandler(new IUploader.OnChangeUploaderHandler() { @Override public void onChange(IUploader uploader) { saveButton.setDisabled(false); } }); canvas.addChild(singleUploader); canvasItem.setCanvas(canvas); } /** * Action to be called when upload has finished */ private IUploader.OnFinishUploaderHandler onFinishUploaderHandler = new IUploader.OnFinishUploaderHandler() { public void onFinish(IUploader uploader) { if (uploader.getStatus() == IUploadStatus.Status.SUCCESS) { opener.reload(); destroy(); } else { buttonBar.enableButtons(); } } }; }