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    Smart GWT "Window" Modal Mask


    I am using smart gwt 2.4 and IE 7

    I am using the window object to pop up and display a text. I have want to mask the parent widow. I am using the following methods of Window to do this.
    I notice that after the modal is set, only 80-90 % percent of the parent window is masked and the rest 10% is unmasked.
    Please let me know what could be the possible reason for this behaviour?

    Thanks in advance



    I've been noticed the same issue after upgrading from smart gwt 2.1 to 2.4.
    I've seen this firstly in IE 9.0.8112.16421. I had problem only with the width of the modal mask. After some investigation, I found out the problem exists in FF (3.6.17) too, but FF handles something differently, and the problem is not visible. After checking the modalmask with firebug, I've seen the same size. This size is independent from the browser window size, I think it is burned in somewhere. The modal mask's width is 1600px, the height is 1200px. If the window is bigger, then the right and the bottom of the page is not masked.

    The screenshots are made with a fresh instance of the sample showcase running in hosted mode in Windows7, IE9 and FF3, with GWT 2.2.0.

    I would be glad if anybody could tell me, where are the modalMask size set to these values, or if there is some workaround for this.



      This was already corrected after 2.4 (and was true in 2.1 as well - not an upgrade issue). Grab a nightly at


        Hi Isomorphic,

        Thanks, the latest nightly build solved the problem.


          Modal mask does not work when the page is very tall and browser scrollbars appear, how can i fix that?


            We are having the same issue.


            Modal mask does not work when the page is very tall and browser scrollbars appear, how can i fix that?


            I am using smartgwt 3.0p nightly downloaded 2 days back. Any solution for this?


              This is confirmed fixed above, and we likewise show it as fixed. If you're still seeing the problem, you may have third-party CSS interfering, unusual DOCTYPE settings or some other problem, and you should isolate what's different about your environment vs the standard environment.


                I have tried with sample GWT application that is generated by Eclipse. I tried by removing the css file generated Eclipse and i still see the problem.

                I have smartgwt.jar, smartgwt-skin.jar, gwt-dev-2.3.0.jar, gwt-user-2.3.0.jar, gwt-servlet-2.3.0.jar, validation-api-1.0.0.G.A.jar and validation-api-1.0.0.G.A-sources.jar in my build path.

                I have attached the sample code and screenshot.

                I think it is the problem with height calculated by smartgwt for div with modalMask class. If i remove the height using firebug, it is working fine.
                Attached Files


                  So again, compare it to the reference project (where there's no problem) and let us know if you find the difference that creates the problem. Again it might be DOCTYPE.


                    If i remove the doctype completely, it worked. Thanks for prompt reply.


                      I am also facing the same issue, shouldn't this work with using doctype, I am using the html5 doctype syntax.

                      <!DOCTYPE html>


                        We've made a change to address this issue, with the HTML5 doctype. Please try the next nightly build (3.0 or 3.1 branch)

