SC_SNAPSHOT-2011-04-10/EVAL Deployment
Internet Explorer 8.0
When running the below test case in Internet Explorer 8, I am unable to click
the icon that will show our custom dialog. In FireFox 3.6.16 it works perfectly.
Repo case, click in the testitem => icon is shown.
Move mouse pointer over icon and click icon => icon is hidden again!
SC_SNAPSHOT-2011-04-10/EVAL Deployment
Internet Explorer 8.0
When running the below test case in Internet Explorer 8, I am unable to click
the icon that will show our custom dialog. In FireFox 3.6.16 it works perfectly.
Repo case, click in the testitem => icon is shown.
Move mouse pointer over icon and click icon => icon is hidden again!
public class Standalone implements EntryPoint { private static Canvas masterPanel = null; public void onModuleLoad() { //masterPanel should be a Layout masterPanel = new Canvas(); masterPanel.setHeight100(); masterPanel.setWidth100(); masterPanel.setStyleName("pageBackground"); //background style from skin masterPanel.addChild(testCase1()); masterPanel.draw(); } public DynamicForm testCase1() { DataSource dataSource = new DataSource(); DataSourceField myTextField = new DataSourceField(); myTextField.setName("textField"); myTextField.setTitle("textField"); myTextField.setType(new MyTextType()); myTextField.setEditorType(new MyTextEditor()); dataSource.setFields(myTextField); DynamicForm form = new DynamicForm(); form.setHeight(170); form.setWidth(500); form.setDataSource(dataSource); return form; } } public static class MyTextType extends SimpleType { public MyTextType() { super("myTextType", FieldType.ANY); } } private class MyTextEditor extends TextItem { private Dialog dialog; private FormItem currentItem; /* * Setting the picker to show causes an onBlur event. So we would be stuck in a loop. */ private boolean ignoreFocusInBlurEvent = false; /* * The onFocus might actually trigger a lot of events for the full duration of having focus. So omit unnecessary redraws()s. */ private boolean isPickerShowing = false; public MyTextEditor() { super(); setChangeOnKeypress(false); setSelectOnFocus(true); setValidateOnExit(true); FormItemIcon icon = new FormItemIcon(); icon.setSrc("[SKIN]/actions/edit.png"); icon.setTabIndex(-1); setIcons(icon); setShowIcons(false); // If user clicks in this field addFocusHandler(new FocusHandler() { public void onFocus(FocusEvent event) { if (isPickerShowing) return; ignoreFocusInBlurEvent = true; event.getItem().setShowIcons(true); event.getItem().getContainerWidget().redraw(); event.getItem().focusInItem(); isPickerShowing = true; ignoreFocusInBlurEvent = false; } }); //If focus gone addBlurHandler(new BlurHandler() { public void onBlur(BlurEvent event) { if (!isPickerShowing) return; if (ignoreFocusInBlurEvent) return; event.getItem().setShowIcons(false); event.getItem().redraw(); isPickerShowing = false; } }); addIconClickHandler(new IconClickHandler() { public void onIconClick(IconClickEvent event) { // get global coordinates of the clicked picker icon Rectangle iconRect = getIconPageRect(event.getIcon()); Object source = event.getSource(); if (source != null) { currentItem = event.getItem(); // show the picker dialog if (iconRect != null) { showDialog(iconRect.getLeft(), iconRect.getTop()); } else { showDialog(EventHandler.getX(), EventHandler.getY()); } } } }); } private void showDialog(int left, int top) { if (dialog == null) { createDialog(currentItem, currentItem.getValue()); } // don't put dialog outside pageRight if (left + dialog.getWidth() > Page.getWidth()) { left = Page.getWidth() - dialog.getWidth() - 5; // margin if (left < 0) left = 5; } // don't put dialog outside pageBottom if (top + dialog.getHeight() > Page.getHeight()) { top = Page.getHeight() - dialog.getHeight() - 5; // margin if (top < 0) top = 5; } dialog.moveTo(left, top); dialog.show(); } private void createDialog(final FormItem item, final Object enteredValue) { dialog = new Dialog(); dialog.setDismissOnEscape(true); // close on esc dialog.setDismissOnOutsideClick(true); // close when clicked outside dialog.setAutoCenter(true); dialog.setIsModal(true); dialog.setShowEdges(false); dialog.setBorder("1px solid #555555"); // show a line around the box dialog.setShowHeader(false); dialog.setShowToolbar(false); dialog.setAutoSize(true); dialog.setBackgroundColor("#FFFFFF"); // without this you could see true // the dialog in some browsers final DynamicForm dialogForm = new DynamicForm(); dialogForm.setAutoFocus(true); final TextItem txtRefAmount = new TextItem("input"); txtRefAmount.setChangeOnKeypress(false); txtRefAmount.setValidateOnChange(true); txtRefAmount.setValidateOnExit(true); txtRefAmount.setValidators(new IsFloatValidator()); txtRefAmount.setSelectOnFocus(true); txtRefAmount.setTitle("Amount"); txtRefAmount.setValue(enteredValue); dialogForm.addSubmitValuesHandler(new SubmitValuesHandler() { public void onSubmitValues(SubmitValuesEvent event) { dialog.hide(); } }); final ButtonItem btnItem = new ButtonItem("Ok"); btnItem.addClickHandler(new com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.events.ClickHandler() { public void onClick(com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.events.ClickEvent event) { dialogForm.submit(); } }); btnItem.setColSpan(2); btnItem.setAlign(Alignment.RIGHT); btnItem.setWidth(100); dialogForm.setItems(txtRefAmount, btnItem); dialog.addItem(dialogForm); dialog.setVisibility(Visibility.HIDDEN); dialog.draw(); } } }