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    SelectItem with a tree as a picker

    In our project we use a lot of hierarchical data. One example for this is our datasource Location and a Location has multiple sublocations etc. Now we really struggle with the following: Our datasource Content has a location via a foreign key, and we want a nice way for our users to select a location for some content record in grids, forms, (and for filtering).

    For foreign keys to a non hierarchical datasource we like to use selectitems with multiple picklistfields where sorting and searching is possible: something like this:

    There are two things that are somewhat helpful:
    - The picktreeitem displays the hierarchy nice, but it only shows one field of the foreign datasource and you cant search in it, cant type, etc.
    - Use the same as a normal selectitem (, but this doesnt display the hierarchy so that is also hard to use.

    So our question is if it would be possible to add support for a selectItem that shows a TreeGrid if you open it instead of a listgrid. (We have not found a solution to do it ourselves)

    We are using smartgwt 2.4 power

    That would be a valid Feature Sponsorship, or is something you can build yourself by creating a TreeGrid and placing it underneath a TextItem to get roughly the effect of a SelectItem with a hierarchical picklist (or you could create a dialog launched from a FormItemIcon).


      A cheap solution could be to use a select with the list grid and use a cell display for the first column that indents the value based on it's level in the tree hierarchy. It's not the most elegant solution, but it should work.

